The Angry Vegan Stereotype...

This post has been a long time coming.  Let's also be honest, it really is not a stereotype.  It is our reality.  We are vegan and we ARE angry because,  while you are there supporting and making excuses for this...

"Help us!"

We see this...

"We just want to live."

And you see this...

"Bacon tho..."

Even though we may have not been vegan from birth, we have made the connection and are trying to help others see the truth as well.  Sometimes people may think we go about it in the wrong way.  They say we are pushy.  They say we are preachy.  They say we have a "better than thou" attitude.  Well you know what?  We are all of those things, and we are proud.  I'm not ashamed of the way I am because I do it with the hopes that I will help others make the connection just as I have. Maybe there are times where we can get a little assertive with our words and/or behavior, but honestly SCREW HUMAN FEELINGS.  That is where some people become confused.  They think vegans are all about peace and kindness.  We are, don't get me wrong, but it isn't about us.  It is about the animals.  They are the ones who are suffering.  They are the ones who are born into this world just to die a short time later.  They didn't ask for this.  They don't deserve this.  Yet, here we are as a human race, continuing to support and contribute to the animal holocaust with each and every meal.  Oh, and please don't attack me for referring to animal slaughter to the holocaust because that is EXACTLY what it is.  A slaughterhouse is just a building that is designed to torture, to kill, and for what?  It is done just because you have been conditioned to believe that you need to consume animals in order to survive. Well you know what?  It is 2018, wake up and maybe, just maybe, next time you see this...

You will think of this...


xx- Jill


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