A Little Controversy...
“Vegans are disgusting and loathsome. I’m often asked why vegans are the enemy of everything good and decent and must be hunted down and destroyed so their genes don’t pass onto future generations. It’s because if you can’t enjoy even a nice, stinky, runny, ripe cheese like this you may as well kill yourself now.” ~Anthony Bourdain
This is a quote straight from Anthony Bourdain (2011). Anthony Bourdain: the celebrity chef, author, traveller and television personality. He had also referred to vegans as self-indulgent. Yes, you read that correctly: SELF-INDULGENT. If we can be honest here, I feel that vegans make decisions and lifestyle changes in the most selfless manner possible. Vegans know that animal cruelty is completely unnecessary, so we fight for others to understand the same.
Anthony Bourdain? Yeah, not so much. While he was alive, I would have to go ahead and say that he was a pompous man who thought his way was the right way. His way of doing things was torturing innocent animals for pleasure. They were tortured and eaten for his show, book and even his appetite. For example, while he was in China, he sat at a table and dined on duck intestines. Maybe you didn't know this, in that same clip, he bragged about how the chef sticks his hands up into the poor bird and pulls out his intestines, WHILE HE IS STILL ALIVE. I'm willing to bet that even the biggest meat eater would think that is cruel and unnecessary, and if not then you should reevaluate your life. To me, he was just another one of these celebrity know-it-alls who sat up on his high horse (because he wasn't vegan) and spat on those beneath him. CHANGE MY MIND!!!!!
I know this post is a controversial one, and I may actually lose followers and/or supporters due to it. However, those who know me, know that I am an advocate of both the vegan movement as well as mental health. I, for one, do not take suicide lightly. I know that sometimes for people it is the only thing they believe will help them escape their hurt and pain. They feel as if they are not enough, and cannot go on living. It is extremely sad and I've seen it in my own family. It is a very hard thing for all involved to get through, but you do eventually get through.
I must say though, that I am an even bigger advocate for the animals. I am unapologetic, or as others would say, "militant." I am not here for humans, I am here for the animals. They are born into and taken from this world for selfish reasons. They do not have a voice nor do they have a choice. So if it makes me a bad person for speaking up for animals at this time, so be it.
xx- Jill
Keep it going! You are amazing with this! People need to open their eyes and minds.