Humane. Are you insane?



  •                                                  1.having or showing compassion or benevolence

I've seen the term "humane" thrown around a lot lately on social media, and I felt the need to talk about it because it is being used incorrectly.  Above I have provided the definition of humane as per the Oxford Dictionary, please take a minute to read...

Now, after reading that, please just close your eyes and think of some animals (pigs, cows, chickens, etc.).   Then remember the definition of the word humane.  I want you to come up with a picture in your mind what it means to treat animals in a humane manner.  What does it mean to show animals compassion?   

Obviously, to someone like myself, treating animals with compassion is to allow them to live a normal life free from forced death.  They are living beings, just like myself and you.  They are no different from the animals you share your home with.  

According to others on social media, they claim that when an animal is "humanely raised," they are shown love and treated nicely from their birth through their slaughter.  You know what I think about that?  It is a bunch of rubbish.  How is any form of slaughter humane?  It isn't.  How can you show someone love and compassion as you're cutting their throat?  You can't.  You've been brainwashed to believe that this is all possible.  You have been brainwashed to believe that compassionate animal exploitation actually exists.  The fact of the matter is that each and every one of those poor animals ends up in the slaughterhouse.  So please tell me, where is the compassion in that?  The answer is simple:  you can't.


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