Vegan Venting...

Recently, it has come to my attention that there are a few individuals who have issues with the fact that I am a vegan. I usually wouldn't have a problem with this, because who really cares what negative things others say about the good I am doing in the world, however it really bothered me.  I was told that I "think I'm better than everyone else," because I am vegan.  I was told that, "what I am doing is causing more harm than good to the world," because I am vegan.   Please, enlighten me with your knowledge on this subject.  I would love to hear it.

There are so many people who look at vegans in a negative light.  Are we a little rough around the edges?  Sure, but how can you not be when there are millions of innocent lives being taken from this world on a daily basis?  Do we think we are better than everyone else?  No, we don't.  We just have strong opinions on the ethics of animal rights, and we want you to understand.

I am really tired of people coming to me saying I am shoving my lifestyle in their faces, just because I post videos/photos to my Facebook & Instagram accounts.  I hate that people make fun of me for wearing clothing that shares my views on animal rights.  I'm sorry if your conscious is causing you to have these negative feeling inside, but if that is the case - CHANGE IT.  Do the right thing.  Open your eyes to what is happening in the farming and dairy industries.  All non-human animals are sentient beings, and want to live and love just like us.  They can feel emotion.  They can feel pain.  How does that make you feel?

Let me put it this way for you...

Would you back the killing of a dog?  What about a cat?  The answer to these questions are probably no, but you would be perfectly okay with the killing of a cow or a pig.  The difference between the two is only your perception.

Take a look at this documentary and then tell me that my feelings aren't validated:

If you can watch this without feeling something, then I would say that you are an empty shell and that you have no compassion for anyone other than yourself.

And next time you have something negative to say about me and my lifestyle, at least make sure you have the facts to back it up.

xx - Jill

**Don't ask me why I'm vegan, ask yourself why you aren't.


  1. Once again Jill, great blog! I have had the same things said to me as well. Upsetting it is. Perception and cognitive dissonance.


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