Happy World Vegan Day
November 1st marks World Vegan Day, which kicks off World Vegan Month.
In honor of this, here are 10 facts you may or may not know about veganism...
- Veganism isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle
- Vegans actually do get enough protein (I will go in depth at another time)
- There tends to be lower rates of cancer amongst vegans
- Every hour in the United States alone 500,000 animals are slaughtered for their meat
- Vegans save water (about 33,000 gallons per month)
- There is no proof that vegans are deficent in B-12
- Vegans have showed better, overall health compared to those who eat both plants and animals
- There is a lower rate of obesity amongst vegans
- In their lifetime, a vegan can save: 760 chickens, 20 pigs, 5 cows and 46 turkeys
- Vegans live with less guilt than the average omnivore
Consider going vegan, the animals will thank you.
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