Change The World, Go Vegan
"In as much as both "race" and "species" are vague terms used in the classification of living creatures according, largely, to physical appearance, an analogy can be made between them. Discrimination on grounds of race, although most universally condoned two centuries ago, is now widely condemned. Similarly, it may come to pass that enlightened minds may one day abhor "speciesism" as much as they now detest "racism." The illogicality in both forms of prejudice is of an identical sort. If it is accepted as morally wrong to deliberately inflict suffering upon innocent human creatures, then it is only logical to also regard it as wrong to inflict suffering on innocent individuals of other species. ... The time has come to act upon this logic." ~ Dr. Richard D. Ryder, 1971
We live in a world where many people believe that it is okay to eat animals, but is it? I once was like that too. However, then my eyes were opened up to the horror and abuse that these poor living beings have to endure on a daily basis and I quickly changed my outlook on the meat & dairy industries. Have you ever looked at your dog and think that they would make a really good meal? No, I bet you haven't. So why should it be different for other species? They are living, breathing beings. They have emotions and feelings, just like you and I. It may have taken me a while to figure this out, but now that I know I will do all I can to save as many as I can. We honestly all need to do better. We need to do better for them. They may be voiceless, but we are not.
Please check out this video from a fellow vegan, Sonia Sae:
This is why I'm dying slowly as a Vegan
I think this video pretty much sums up how we feel on a daily basis, and why we hope to change the world.
There comes a time where a person is faced with making a decision between what is right, and what is wrong. What will you decide?
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