The Truth Behind Dairy Farming...

You've seen them, the wonderful photos & videos of animals grazing in the pasture and galloping about through the barnyard.  But what you haven't seen is the truth.

Do you really believe that animals such as cows, pigs and chickens live a life full of happiness and love?  If so, you are definitely living under a rock.  The truth is, these poor animals live a lifetime of pain, sorrow and to put it bluntly HELL.

If you've ever wanted to know what goes on in the dairy industry, you're about to find out...

Well, as with any other mammal, a cow needs to give birth in order to produce milk.  It isn't a natural process either.  These poor female cows are artificially inseminated with bull semen (over and over again) and forced to be pregnant.  If you thought that was bad, after they give birth, their babies are taken away from them within 24 hours.  If they are male, they are sold to the slaughterhouse to be used for veal and if they are female they are either also sold or off to their lifetime of forced impregnation.  These poor little female babies join the others who will be part of the milk community.  They often spend a portion of their first year all alone in small pens.  They are fed a milk replacer while other mammals buy and drink the milk that was made solely for them.

As for the mama cows, they are left alone crying out for their lost babies.  They are forced into milking machines and stripped of the hard work they put in for the last 9 months.  Not to mention, they are forced to produce about 12-14 times more milk than they have done in the past.  Thanks biological manipulation.

There is absolutely nothing you can say to make these horrific events seem like it is for the good of man.  Think about how you would feel in that situation. You wouldn't survive.  You would be brokenhearted and depressed, and to be honest that is exactly how the cows feel.  They are also living beings with feelings of love and sadness.  So I ask you, next time you're in the dairy section of your local supermarket to put down the cow's milk and opt for something different.   Be part of the movement, they need us.


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